Saturday, October 27, 2007

i'm still curious...

this is a new thing that i've been interested in.

i know what i believe...but i want to hear opposing viewpoints.

please...tell me what you think...only then will i tell you what i think.

and give evidence of your stance.

1 comment:

Mrs_PJ said...

Luke 19:41-44
1 Co 2:6-10

I have ready most of the theories concerning both. They all make sense. Then I'm reminded that almost no one knew Jesus when He came, even though we can look back at the prophecies and see He was the only one to fulfull them. The only ones to recognize Him were given that knowledge by Holy Spirit.
So I believe that the whole trib timeline will only be discerned in hindsight. Meanwhile we put our hand to the plow Today and don't look back to yesterday.