Tuesday, October 23, 2007

there's a certain pride that comes with immaturity...

Each day, it seems that I am, in some way, confronted with the youthful pride that has plagued most of my generation...it's rather humbling. The way that it creeps up on me is when I notice it in others...I'll get a chip on my shoulder, until I realize that their spoken immaturity matched that of my heart.

I think it has something to do with the community I've chosen to live in. IHOP is comprised of mainly young adults...90% of us are under the age of 25...however, the brokeness of mind and heart have become a major focus with all of us...

When I survey those that actually moved the heart of God, it seems as though that they may have started out with youthful zeal and vigor...and through the test of time...grew thick skin and gray hair...

I found myself wanting gray hair today.

Wisdom would be so nice.

Background music while writing: Luke Wood's worship band...singing an intercessory chorus for the people of Jerusalem..."Break in and save souls!"

1 comment:

Mrs_PJ said...

If you follow these scriptures (1 co 15:9; Eph 3:8; 1 Ti 1:15-16)
you'll see that at one time Paul thought he was the least of the apostles, then the least of all the christians, the the worst of all the sinners. It took him years to see this. Yet, when he saw himself as weak that's when he recognized God the strongest in him.
We all need to go through breaking of our pride to let Him shine through our cracks. It's actually more wise to learn that at a young age than to wait as long as I have.